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Exercise contributes significantly to our mental  romantic dark comedy released on 22 June
             health. Find the kind of physical activity you are  2012,  where the main motto  was  creating

             enjoying and stick to it! There are numerous  antidote  to  suicide among  individuals

             benefits to exercising. Healthy eating habits.  suffering from this. The film is an in-depth

             Studies show the benefits of a healthy diet.  look at the psychological dilemma regarding
             That doesn't mean  you can't and shouldn't  the primordial existence of life. He reiterates

             treat yourself occasionally. Just look at what  that you can "shock someone by letting them

             you eat, as it makes a difference.  Get enough  know that death is imminent and inevitable." It

             sleep at night. Sleep is very important to our  is a black comedy that successfully evokes the
             overall well-being. Whether you understand it  perception of life. Comic elements are cleverly

             or not, the amount of sleep you get can make  used to highlight the fear of death.

             a big difference  in how you feel  and your         The subject  of the film  'Hemlock  Society'

             overall emotional well-being. Say no. This can    seems different, which explores the lives  of
             be difficult for many. Don't be afraid to say no   people who want to commit suicide. Actually

             to the situation. If you need time alone, say no   'Hemlock Society' is an organisation  that

             to the invited plan. You must do what is most     helps people with information on supporting

             useful to you.                                    legislation   permitting    physician-assisted-

               Know  which  stress management  strategy  is  suicide.
             best for you. Knowing which coping strategy        Sometimes, it may not be possible to create

             works best for you is important in life. There    an awareness  suddenly inside  someone

             are many stress management strategies you         just by applying some  speech  or awareness

             can implement, but you need to find the one       program.     Human      mind    always    finds

             that works best for you.  In a life that gives    something  new and interesting, from which
             you mercy, it is very easy for us to give grace   at least the human can find some interest to

             to others, but it is not so easy to give grace    understand it. Same concept if we can apply

             to  ourselves. Never forget  that  we  are all    for preventing suicide- like making movie,
             human. In other words, you make a mistake.        animation, web shows on it, obviously where

             It's okay if you make a mistake. Give yourself    people will find their interest in life as well as

             grace and do your best to learn from those        will find suicide as a useless thing, precisely,

             mistakes. Don't be afraid to ask for help. There   which can make people feel their life as a gift.

             are resources and help available. Call the        So, let’s try together to save lives,  to create
             National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 800     Antidote to Suicide.

             273 8255 to talk to a trained crisis counsellor.

              Hemlock Society is an Indian Bengali

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