Page 46 - Expressions - 22
P. 46
It was the month of October 2021, when and gradually people started to show interest
the situation healed up, and the college in participation.
management finally decided to reopen A week passed by and we were behind
the college for students. We entered the ECE by a massive 300 points. But that didn’t
college as second years, it was a brand-new stop us from participating. At the end of
experience. For some times the participation the week, to our surprise, we surpassed the
was as usual and since then the participation Department of ECE by 139 points, where we
was drastically reduced, since all others were were standing at 1069 points and they were
getting busy with their subject stuff. But there at 930. Now that the tables have turned, the
was still participation. And it was the month view of all the departments about Chemical
of April when the posters of Curioso 2022 department change, the ECE guys accepted
were put up in the group. I felt nostalgic, but us as a true rival and our positive rivalry
hadn't the slightest idea on how they would continued till the final minute of the prelims
conduct the events. I hadn’t even read the of the events, where every one of us were
entire poster before I went into the world giving our last resort attempt to boost our
of imagination. Once I snapped back from points even by a sliver amount of points. The
imagination, it stated that events will be three weeks, one hell of an experience. I was
conducted in the chemical seminar hall. So, overjoyed and so were my mates from my
I gathered all my confidence. department. As the final week is going to
Me and Devipriya, one of my classmates, begin next week, I’m expecting this positive
went into the seminar hall, and it was the first rivalry to continue and I hope that everyone
time we were seeing the mentors in person. would have gained at least some useful
They were so good, and we participated attributes from this event. I guess this article
in a few events. We were the first ones to will be coming up once all the events end.
participate in the events it seemed. And after So, for those who are reading it, don’t hold
doing a few events we left for class. The next back on what you’re aiming for. You may not
day, the points table came up and we were realize that the path to success sometimes
in the second position, next to our untouched requires very little effort than you think.
rivals the Second year ECE department. The
mentors told, that the chemical department
hasn't even been in the top five for years,
and this was the first time. Too inspired by
that word, me and others tried to improve
the participation of the chemical department,
46 Expressions '22