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method still remains invincible. Here I would         that led to any treasure, he continued to read

             like to share a short story which emphasizes          the books and ended up reading the entire
             the importance of reading.                            stack. Finally, he realized that “BOOKS” were

             Once there lived a son who was too reluctant          his  father’s property and “KNOWLEDGE”

             to gain knowledge. In contrast to his character,      was the profit he gained. Years later, his

             his father was a  great  scholar in the field         knowledge navigated his career and made it

             of literature. He was so worried about  the           a successful one.
             future  of  his only  unemployed  son. It  was        From being a useless person to a respected

             always a contentious situation, as the father         citizen,  we can strongly believe  that books

             always forced him to make some efforts for            have the ability to change one’s life. To be

             his upliftment. But all of a sudden, his father       honest, I'm not a bibliophile, but I desperately
             was bedridden. After some days of struggle,           want  to be one. There is a wide variety of

             his father passed away. The abandoned son             books like novels, Motivation etc., It need not

             was puzzled, as his father was the only ray           always  be  in English, it  can also be  books

             of hope. He didn’t know what he would do              of local languages. The ultimate gain from
             for his next meal. Fortunately, there came his        this wonderful habit is “knowledge”. For the

             father’s close friend, an advocate, who had           newbies out there, spend at least 30 minutes

             a piece of paper in his hand. The son asked           per  day.  As  quoted  by  Garrison  Keillor,

             the advocate  whether his father had  any             "A book is a gift you can open again and
             sort of wealth left for him. The advocate was         again”. So, presenting a book is the best

             quick enough to reply that his dad had left           thing anyone could ever receive. A fact worth

             nothing but a paper and handed it over to             mentioning  is  at our Literary Club of PTU,

             him. The piece of paper had 3 words written           books are given as a token of appreciation,
             in it, “READ THE BOOK”.                               which can indulge many minds into the habit

             The son got excited as he assumed that his            of reading. I hope I will  become a good
             dad  had  left some treasure or  something.           reader and so will you. Always remember,

             He immediately raided his dad’s bookshelf.                  “A room without books is like

             There were hundreds of books. He razed the                      a body without a soul”
             shelf  and found nothing. He  even  thought                                                 -Cicero.

             of  selling them,  but  thought  that  he would

             get little profit out of it. Thinking for a while,

             he came to the conclusion that there might

             be a clue inside the book, and he started to
             read one. As a result of not finding any hint

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