Page 33 - Expressions - 22
P. 33
Internet has been an easy tool to spread this their uniqueness. As a whole we see that
herd mentality behaviour among people. people started to think on different ways
Not everyone has been a prey to this, there at different times. So unequivocally one’s
are individuals who think and analyse their opinion is more important. We can come
experiences and opinions on an issue or a over the herd mentality by just improving
problem. We can even see ourselves being our self-confidence, we must believe that our
pushed into such kind of situation where we opinions matter.
fail to raise our points, on the other hand
we just nod to someone else’s opinion.
Each and everyone’s perspective differ
but at the end of the day, it’s just that we
make sure that our voices are being heard.
Uniqueness the most important word in
English it defines how much we are different
from people to people; how can one lose
Expressions '22 33