Page 35 - Expressions - 22
P. 35

of perceived attractiveness. Although a lot of        adapt or perish to these ridicules are the only

             anti-bullying societies and communities have          ways to get out of this. Though I started to
             taken  it  as  their oath  to  spread  awareness      adapt to this hell hole. It became evident that

             about  the banes of the disaster, it doesn’t          I needed change. A change that is needed

             stop  and  even it  affects a  person’s  mental       not only for my mental health but also for

             health right from his/her childhood.                      my physical self. That’s the day  where I

             The best example comes from my life.  A               took those enough and much needed steps

             life which has been ridiculed day  in and             to tone my physique, attitude  and lifestyle.
             out during those school days just by measly           The undesirable one in the school is now the

             minutes of  my  appearance.  How?  Body               unignorable one with the goal to reach the

             Shaming. Why? Apparently, they wanted to              top despite the barriers.

             be dominant, feel that they are top and have          To those who are reading this and dejected
             fun with another equal’s expense. And the             about  whatever  negative feedback and life

             cost? Crying and mourning to the core and             hurdles you  receive,  never give up!   Don’t

             smashing my head to find a way to get out             lose your hope on those illogical comments

             of this mess. The more I faced this, the more         and start working on your dreams, passion
             I realized that mourning for this trifling waste      and lifestyle. The fruitful reward will be yours

             is not worth the time and mental health which         in the times to come. Remember, consistent

             I sacrificed.                                         hard work will never go unrewarded!

             Those ridicules never end and so should we.

             I felt that either a change in our lifestyle into

             something much more soothing to oneself or

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