Page 39 - Expressions - 22
P. 39

Depp vs Heard is only one the many things
                                                                  the internet has presented to me this week. I

                                                                  am treated with much more serious news like

                                                                  climate  change and the eventual doom of

                                                                  the world. The incessant stream of opinions
                                                                  of  other  people  and  my  own  about  these

                                                                  varied things have completely occupied my

                                                                  headspace. I go about life normally, but I feel

                                                                  my mood change completely after a whiff of
                                                                  the internet.

                                                                  And I'm not alone.

                                                                  In an article titled “The science  behind

            especially  a celebrity  couple who is  airing        doomscrolling” by ABC news states,

            out their  dirty laundry for the world to see,        “Studies have linked poor  mental health to
            and they're doing so voluntarily might I add,         news exposure during negative and traumatic

            which just makes me feel like what I'm doing          events such as terrorist attacks  or  natural

            isn't such a bad thing after all.                     disasters; the more news a person consumes

            A ritual part of the third phase is discovering       during and after these events, the more likely

            the comments section. Lady Gaga once said             they are to suffer from depression, stress and
            that social media is the toilet of the internet       anxiety.”

            and I am here to tell you that the comments           All the news we receive is never good, and it

            section is the toilet of social media. Here           especially seems so, ever since the pandemic.

            is where I  discover that  there are  people          And I don't know what to care about, since

            much more invested in this trial than I am. It        there are so many pressing issues and other
            surprised me because when you read these              less important issues on which I am tempted

            comments, the amount of care people has for           give my take.

            the troubles of rich people is baffling. But I'm      So, what is  the solution to doomscrolling?
            no better.                                            I have decided to  allow myself only two

            I'm not here to tell you that people only care        opinions per day. This way I will pick my
            about  celebrities and  aren't talking about          battles. So, I have decided to let go of my

            any serious  issues.  Because the one thing           thoughts on the 50-million-dollar defamation

            the internet is never  short of are opinions.         suit now. Wish me luck!

            Opinions on anything and  everything you
            can dream of. And that is what troubles me.

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