Page 28 - Expressions - 22
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here did not wait for me, so I had to move on          country, move cities. All the hostellers reading
        quickly. You don’t even have enough time to            this, you have already done it and you can be

        grieve. The weather is not easy to cope with.          proud of yourself for that.

        Especially after living in southern part of India      Earning and living  independently teaches

        where it is mostly sunny, the absence of sun           you a lot about financial management which
        and  cold temperatures affects you  mentally.          is  generally  a less  spoken topic back in

        Adapting  to  the  new pattern  of  study  is not      Indian households. Working, studying, and

        a  cake walk too.  Plagiarism is an  offence,          running errands for your house teaches  you

        and you get punished severely for it in these          to multitask. Time management - something I
        universities.  For unintended plagiarism, I            learnt by messing up my sleep schedule a lot

        received zero points on two assignments! So,           of times. You also learn to take responsibility

        now I know how to accomplish my work more              of your tasks, especially academic. Lastly, you

        efficiently.                                           learn how simple gestures- a good morning

        As I write this on the flight back home from           from the bus driver, a thank you from your

        Vancouver after my vacations post my second            coffee server,  a  sorry from someone who
        semester, I wonder how Windsor went from               unintentionally blocked your way, make your

        a foreign land to home for me in the past 8            day brighter than usual.

        months!                                                The day you move out of your house to pursue

        Was it because of my senior who first helped me        your life goals is the last day you live in your

        out? Was it because of my efforts to finish tasks      house, and you will never know it. Even if you
        from day one? Was it because I met wonderful           go home for festivals or vacations, you will be

        people  in my house and  my workplace?                 a visitor now. It is a difficult pill to swallow but

        Was it because of  the Canadian  culture of            you will cherish the rewards you get for all the

        welcoming immigrants very friendlily? Maybe            struggles you go through in this phase of life.
        it was a bit of everything. Or maybe it was just

        luck, or maybe it’s just time. Whatever it was,

        I learnt a lot in these few months of staying

        independently in a completely new city without
        any support from known people.

        First, getting things done gives you a boost in
        your confidence that is unparalleled to anything

        else. Secondly, meeting people from different

        culture gives opens up a world of opportunities
        for you. So, move out  of your house. If not

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