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From the Editorial Team
The Literary Club: A Realm of its Own
The journey of life takes many interesting The Literary Club, fresh off of completing
twists and turns. The voyage is never three decades since its founding and
smooth, but it always has its moments. Every marching towards the milestone of 50
individual entering this Institute has a unique years, has provided the environment where
story, with trials and tribulations, joys and discussions flourish, ideas emerge and
jubilations… Everyone embarks on a journey change materialises. The lore of the club
of self-discovery, and emerge on the other involves several anecdotes where groups
side older, wiser and with the scars and stars of students and bunches of misfits band
to show for it. together to create something new, something
Upon entering the institute, fresh out of school fresh and something daring… Something
and waiting to begin the experience of the which others might try to emulate, might
ever-hyped “College life”, the students are try to continue and might try to turn into a
greeted into the institute with an introduction legacy.
to the various activities and way of life on The club has chugged along, with every batch
campus, and one club in particular… of students bringing new ideas to the table.
Seamless transitions and flawless planning,
16 Expressions '22